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WORLD’S FIRST DEBUGGER OVER WIFI Programming & debugging over WiFi and USB-C :- UNI-DS development board integrates CODEGRIP - the world's first programmer & debugger over WiFi and USB-C. This feature allows unlimited possibilities for...
₹ 83,929.00 *
BLE 9 Click
BLE 9 Click is a compact add-on board that provides BT/BLE connectivity for any embedded application. This board features the BGM220P , an RF performance Bluetooth Low Energy solution for IoT developers from Silicon Labs . Based on the...
₹ 2,839.00 *
WiFi 11 Click
WiFi 11 Click is a compact add-on board that contains a WiFi and Bluetooth module that has dual bands for WiFi communication. This board features the BW16 , a low-power dual bands Wireless LAN (WLAN) and Bluetooth Low Energy SoC module...
₹ 3,049.00 *
WiFi NINA click
WiFi NINA click is a powerful standalone WiFi module, equipped with the state-of-the-art NINA-W132 module from u-blox , that can be easily configured with the u-blox s-center software, using AT commands. WiFi NINA click offers a complete...
₹ 4,729.00 *
BLE TX Click
BLE TX Click is a compact add-on board that contains a low-energy Bluetooth transmitter. This board features the AK1595 , a Bluetooth 5.2 transmitter with incorporated proprietary algorithm software from AKM Semiconductor . The AK1595...
₹ 949.00 *
BT Click
BT Click is a compact add-on board targeted for applications that require both Bluetooth Smart and Classic connectivity. This board features the BT121 , a dual-mode Bluetooth Smart Ready module solution that gives unparalleled...
₹ 6,199.00 *
BT Audio 2 Click
BT Audio 2 Click is Bluetooth audio stream add on board based on BM62 module from Microchip . It's a Stereo Audio module which is fully qualified Bluetooth v5.0 dual-mode (BDR/EDR/BLE) to be added in any wireless audio and voice...
₹ 4,729.00 *
BLE 5 Click
The BLE 5 Click is a Click board™ witch provide BT/BLE connectivity for any embedded application. BLE 5 click based on the PAN1760A , a module from Panasonic . The Click board™ with small Bluetooth Low Energy module for easy integration...
₹ 2,739.00 *
Bluetooth 2 Click
Bluetooth 2 Click features WT41u, a long range class 1, Bluetooth® 2.1 + EDR module from Silicon Labs. WT41u is a highly integrated and sophisticated Bluetooth® module, containing all the necessary elements from Bluetooth® radio and a...
₹ 8,299.00 *
BT-EZ click
The BT-EZ click is a Click board™ which provide BLE connectivity for any embedded application. BT-EZ click based on the CYBT-343026-01 module, from Infineon . This Click board™ is a fully integrated bluetooth low energy module, mentioned...
₹ 2,629.00 *
NB IoT 4 Click
NB IoT 4 Click is a compact add-on board that contains a cellular IoT-based module with integrated eSIM for global data connectivity. This board features the C1-RM , a three-band NB-IoT IoT/2G wireless communication module supporting...
₹ 5,779.00 *
LTE IoT 8 Click
LTE IoT 8 Click is a compact add-on board that contains a low-power solution for LTE and NB-IoT connectivity. This board features the SKY66430-11 , a multi-band multi-chip System-in-Package (SiP) supporting 5G Massive IoT (LTE-M/NB-IoT)...
₹ 8,299.00 *
UNI-DS V8 mikroBoard for mikroBoard for LTE IoT 8 Click EasyMx PRO v7 EasyPIC v7 IRNSS Click DAC Board mikroBoard for Analog System BLE TX Click EasyFT90x v7 mikroBoard for LTE IoT 3 Click NB IoT 4 Click 5G NB IoT Click Easy8051 v6 EasyPIC Fusion Nano GPS 2 EasyMx PRO v7 LTE Cat.1-US WiFi 11 Click WiFi NINA click LTE IoT 9 Click 4G LTE-AT T BT-EZ click AnyNet 3G-AA Easy24-33 v6 HVAC Click NFC 4 Click EasyPIC PRO v7 NB IoT 5 Click mikroBoard for mikroBoard for EasyAVR v7 GNSS RTK Click LTE IoT 6 Click LTE IoT 5 Click BT Audio 2 UNI Clicker Bluetooth 2 NB IoT 2 Click BLE 5 Click EasyPIC v7 for mikroBoard for BT Click