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CC2541 Mini Development Kit
The CC2541DK-MINI development kit provides a working reference design for software development of single-mode Bluetooth low energy (BLE) applications based on the Texas Instruments CC2541. The included "keyfob" board operates as a BLE...
₹ 11,699.00 *
Value Line MSP430 LaunchPad™ Development Kit
Step 1: Buy the launchpad Step 2: Do the out-of-box demo Step 3: Download the user's guide The MSP-EXP430G2ET LaunchPad Development Kit is an easy-to-use microcontroller development board for the low-power and low-cost MSP430G2x MCUs. It...
₹ 1,249.00 *
MSP430 LaunchPad Value Line Development Kit
The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad is an easy-to-use flash programmer and debugging tool for the MSP430G2xx Value Line microcontrollers. It features everything you need to start developing on an MSP430 microcontroller device. It has on-board...
₹ 1,099.00 *
Capacitive Touch Booster Pack(430BOOST-SENSE1)
The Capacitive Touch BoosterPack (430BOOST-SENSE1) is a plug in board for the MSP430 Value Line LaunchPad development kit (MSP-EXP430G2). This BoosterPack features several capacitive touch elements including a scroll wheel, button and...
₹ 1,889.00 *
eZ430-Chronos Development Tool
The eZ430-Chronos is a highly integrated, wearable wireless development system based for the CC430 in a sports watch. It may be used as a reference platform for watch systems, a personal display for personal area networks, or as a...
₹ 6,379.00 *
Sensor Hub BoosterPack
The Texas Instruments Sensor Hub BoosterPack (BOOSTXL-SENSHUB) is an add-on board designed to fit the Tiva™ C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad along with all of TI’s MCU LaunchPads. The Sensor Hub BoosterPack is a Tiva platform for evaluating...
₹ 5,499.00 *
CC110L Air Module BoosterPack
The CC110L RF BoosterPack is a low-power wireless transceiver extension kit for use with the Texas Instruments MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad development kit. Based on the CC110L device, the on-board Anaren Integrated Radio (AIR) A110LR09A radio...
₹ 2,089.00 *
CC3000 BoosterPack
The CC3000 BoosterPack showcases the SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CC3000 module, a self-contained wireless network processor that simplifies the process of implementing Internet connectivity. SimpleLink Wi-Fi minimizes host microcontroller (MCU)...
₹ 4,449.00 *
MSP430 USB Stick Development Tool
The eZ430-F2013 is a complete MSP430 development tool including all the hardware and software to evaluate the MSP430F2013 and develop a complete project in a convenient USB stick form factor. The eZ430-F2013 supports the Code Composer...
₹ 2,639.00 *
C5000™ Audio Capacitive Touch BoosterPack
The Audio Capacitive Touch BoosterPack (430BOOST-C55AUDIO1) is a plug in board for the MSP430™ Value Line LaunchPad development kit (MSP-EXP430G2). The kit offers a complete reference design for capacitive touch solutions, using the...
₹ 1,099.00 *
Fuel Tank Booster Pack
The Fuel Tank BoosterPack from element14 and Texas Instruments allows Texas Instruments LaunchPads to be powered from a rechargeable lithium polymer battery BoosterPack, further enabling mobile application development and evaluation. The...
₹ 3,839.00 *
MSP430FR5969 LaunchPad Evaluation Kit with...
Developing with the MSP430FR5969 Family is now enabled by the LaunchPad ecosystem. The MSP-BNDL-FR5969LCD (MSP-EXP430FR5969 LaunchPad Evaluation Kit with 430BOOST-SHARP96 LCD Display BoosterPack) kit is an easy-to-use Evaluation Module...
₹ 2,699.00 *
SimpleLink Tiva C Series CC2541 Mini Infrared IR C2000 Delfino MSP430FR2433 SimpleLink DLP- SimpleLink SimpleLink SimpleLink MSP430FR4133 SimpleLink SimpleLink SimpleLink TI-RSLK MAX low SimpleLink SimpleLink TMS320C6748 DSP MSP430FR5969 CC3000 Value Line Sharp Memory TI SimpleLink BOOSTXL-3PHGANI Advanced TDA4VM CC2540 USB AM68x starter MSP430 CC110L Air MSP430FR6989 MSP430FR5994 Tiva C Series MSP430F5529 USB ADS1234 24-Bit Tiva TM4C129E Hercules CC1350 Dualband Hercules Sensor Hub MSP430FR2355 EM Adapter Educational edX Embedded TDA4VM Edge AI