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- Product Code: CC3100BOOST
To update the firmware on your CC3100 device, use radio performance tools, perform network processing logs for advanced debugging, or use the TI SimpleLink™ Studio for CC3100 MCU emulator (PC-based), you will also need the Advanced Emulation BoosterPack (CC31XXEMUBOOST). It is recommended to have at least one CC31XXEMUBOOST board to update the firmware on CC3100BOOST kits. These kits are offered as a bundle at a discounted price on the TI Store.
The SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3100 wireless network processor BoosterPack™ plug-in module (with QFN-packaged device) can be used to connect to TI LaunchPad evaluation kits (software examples provided for MSP-EXP430F5529LP and MSP-EXP430FR5969). With the Advanced Emulation BoosterPack (CC31XXEMUBOOST), CC3100BOOST can connect to a PC for MCU Emulation and software development using SimpleLink Studio for CC3100 (available in the CC3100 SDK). This kit can also be connected to other platforms through pins – use the programming guide for instructions on porting driver and sample code to any microcontroller.
This kit comes in 3 configurations:
1. CC3100BOOST + CC31XXEMUBOOST + MSP-EXP430F5529LP: run all software in the CC3100 software development kit (SDK) and develop on MSP430F5529 MCU
2. CC3100BOOST + CC31XXEMUBOOST: used for any CC3100 development
3. CC3100BOOST: standalone CC3100 BoosterPack purchase option if you already have CC31XXEMUBOOST
The SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3100 solution provides the flexibility to add Wi-Fi to any microcontroller (MCU). This Internet-on-a-chip™ solution contains all you need to easily create IoT solutions – security, quick connection, cloud support, publicly available documentation.
- CC3100 Wi-Fi Network Processor in QFN package
- Industry’s first devices to be Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ at the chip level by the Wi-Fi Alliance™
- 2 20-pin stackable connectors (BoosterPack headers) to connect to TI LaunchPads and other BoosterPacks
- On-board chip antenna with option for U.FL-based testing
- Power from on-board LDO using USB OR 3.3V from MCU LaunchPad
- 2 push buttons
- 4 LEDs
- Jumper with 0.1 Ohm resistor for current measurement
- 0.8 megabit serial flash
- 40 MHz crystal, 32 KHz crystal and oscillator
- U.FL and chip antenna
- 4 Layer PCB with 6 mm spacing and track width