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- Product Code: CH-MS-HW-E-KIT-V1
MySignals is a development platform for medical devices and eHealth applications. You can use MySignals to develop your eHealth web or even to add your own sensors to build new medical devices.
MySignals HW Complete Kit includes 17 sensors which can be used to monitor more than 20 biometric parameters. All the data gathered by MySignals is encrypted and sent to the user's private account at Libelium Cloud through WiFi or Bluetooth. The data can be visualized in a tablet or smart phone with Android or iPhone Apps.
This Kit needs Arduino Uno.
The API Cloud allows to access to the user's private account and get the information previously stored to be visualized in a third party platform.
Watch the step by step Video Tutorials!
Complete list of sensors and accessories included:
- MySignals HW (eHealth Medical Development Shield for Arduino)
- Snore Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- Body Position Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- ECG Electrocardiogram Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- EMG Electromyography Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- Airflow Breathing Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- Body Temperature Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- Spirometer Air Capacity Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- SPO2 Pulse Oxygen in Blood Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- Blood Pressure Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform)
- Glucometer Sensor PRO for MySignals (eHealth Medical Development Platform) (1)